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Example Aural Exercises

Major / Minor

Listen carefully as the piano chords change.


When the music sounds happy (Major) stand up tall with hands in the air.


When the music sounds sad (minor) crouch down on the ground.

Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 - Major/minor? Ex 1
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Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 - Major/minor? Ex 2
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Solfege Exercises
Duple or Triple?
Duple or Triple? Exercise 1 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 3 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 5 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 7 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 9 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 11 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 2 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 4 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 6 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 6
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 8 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 10 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Duple or Triple? Exercise 12 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1 Lesson 8
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Listening: High / Low, Jumping / Stepping


High / Low

Jumping / Stepping

Listen carefully.


If you hear high notes, stand up tall with your arms above your head.


If you hear low notes, crouch down low on the ground.

Low notes or high notes? - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Low notes or high notes? - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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If you hear stepping notes, walk with careful steps.


If you hear jumping notes, jump up and down on the spot!

Jumping / Stepping - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Jumping / Stepping - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen - Clap - Sing

Listen to the melody played on the piano, clap it back, and then sing it.


Each melody is played twice.

Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 1 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 3 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 5 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 2 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 4 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Listen-Clap-Sing Ex 6 - Best Start Music Lessons Book 1
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Music & Movement

Book 1
Lesson 1 
Music and movement:
In the Hall of the Mountain King
by Edvard Grieg

Book 1
Lesson 3 
Music and movement:
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Book 1
Lesson 5 
Music and movement:
Hedwig's Theme
Prologue from Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
by John Williams

Book 1
Lesson 7
Music and movement:
O Fortuna
From Carmina Burana
by Carl Orff

Book 2
Lesson 1
Music and movement:
Hoedown from Rodeo
by Aaron Copland

Book 2
Lesson 2
Music and movement:
Waltz No. 2
by Dimitri Shostakovich

Book 2
Lesson 5
Music and movement:
In the Mood
by Glenn Miller

Book 2
Lesson 5
Music and movement:
Take 5
by Dave Brubeck

Book 2
Lesson 5
Music and movement:
Sacrificial Dance from The Rite of Spring
by Igor Stravinsky

Book 2
Lesson 6
Music and movement:
The Can Can
by Jaques Offenbach

"Just received your Book 1 and am so impressed... This book is brilliant and I can’t wait to start using it with my upcoming students next year... Love the Kodaly approach too. This is the way I learnt and my daughters are learning at the moment in their music classes. It is so beautiful how you are connecting the Kodaly with the instrumental class."

Rebecca, Perth

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