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The focus of this download is on developing executive function skills in beginner to intermediate students, and can be used with any instrument.


The Practice time cards give the student a feeling of control over what they are doing, and help them to recognise when they are feeling frustrated, when they are not concentrating, and when they need a break. They also help develop organisation skills and emotional regulation.


These cards may be particularly useful for students who find it difficult to concentrate and stay on task, as well as for older students (7 years +) who are developing independence in all areas of their lives.


Also included is a practice planning board and a 21 days of practice chart to help with motivation and organisation.


This download is intended to provide parents, practice partners and studio teachers with additional resources.


Parents/teachers may wish to laminate the cards and the practice planning board to make them reusable.


If you have any questions, comments or feedback, I'd love to hear from you at

DIGITAL FILE: Practice Time cards

  • This is a digital file.  You will be provided with a link to download your PDF.

  • © Best Start Music 2021

    This download may only be used by a single teacher in their studio. Teachers may reproduce the downloads only for students within their own studio. Teachers may not give this resource to other teachers. Please direct other teachers to or to purchase their own resources!

    All graphics and fonts have been created with Canva.

"Just received your Book 1 and am so impressed... This book is brilliant and I can’t wait to start using it with my upcoming students next year... Love the Kodaly approach too. This is the way I learnt and my daughters are learning at the moment in their music classes. It is so beautiful how you are connecting the Kodaly with the instrumental class."

Rebecca, Perth

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