Major / Minor
Listen carefully as the piano chords change.
When the music sounds happy (Major) stand up tall with hands in the air.
When the music sounds sad (minor) crouch down on the ground.
Major / Minor
Listen carefully as the piano chords change.
When the music sounds happy (Major) stand up tall with hands in the air.
When the music sounds sad (minor) crouch down on the ground.
Working With Children Check
The Working With Children Check ("WWC") is performed by The Office of the Children's Guardian ("The Children's Guardian"). The Children's Guardian is an independent statutory authority in NSW Government that protects children in NSW by promoting and regulating quality, child safe organisations and services.
First Name Sarah
Other Name Jacqueline
WWC Number WWC0618675E
Type of Clearance Valid for paid and unpaid work
Expiry Date 24/02/2025